Monday, September 28, 2015

Week 5 Growth Mindset Challenge: Picture

Picture I found on Facebook that reminded me of Growth Mindset

This picture came across my Facebook feed this past week about changing your words and changing your mindset and I immediately saved it to use this week! I loved the idea that just changing the words that you say, or even just the ones that you think to yourself, can completely change your mindset. This reminded me of my struggle to change my mindset when it comes to my classes and even though this is made for elementary aged school children, I found the signs really helpful!

So I challenge y'all to read the signs and incorporate them into your classes and your lives!


  1. This is awesome! I think you also used curation very well on this assignment too! I find that having a healthy mindset is half the battle when it comes to anything in life, whether that is school work, sports, a job, or a simple task. I love the quote, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right".

  2. This is awesome! I think you also used curation very well on this assignment too! I find that having a healthy mindset is half the battle when it comes to anything in life, whether that is school work, sports, a job, or a simple task. I love the quote, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right".

  3. This is really great! I pretty much say all of those things haha. I need to change my mindset and those signs do a pretty good job at saying what I need to do. Great post as this can help people who are in my position or who are about to be in my position. Sometimes we have to think like kids to get better at things.

  4. It's crazy how we can see things that are intended for a different age group but are applicable to everyone. I think this is a great example of that. I read the signs in the picture and it's definitely setting those kids up for success in the future by starting that mindset early on. I will definitely try and use one of those as my way of changing how I think. Thank you for using this post as a way to challenge not just yourself, but us all.

  5. I really like this post as I have really enjoyed many of your other assignments. Word choice is so important as it also sets the mood for perspective and the way an individual can act. This is such an important idea to contemplate on and I am glad that I came across this this week as I will work this week on carefully choosing my words so that I can do better. Lastly, I just wanted to swing by to tell you that I have really appreciated your work this semester. You have done an excellent job!
