Friday, September 11, 2015

Extra Reading Diary: Eskimo Folk Tales

Reading diary for the first half of Eskimo Folk Tales!

The Coming of Men, A Long, Long, While Ago
I liked that this story was in the oral storytelling style and also the beginning of Earth was super interesting that it just fell from the sky and it was made. There was also a similarity to the idea of Adam and Eve because in this story the people were also covered in leaves. I really like how vague this story was and how it really sounds like something your grandparents would tell you about the "olden days." The story took a unexpected turn when it tells us that there was no sun and water could burn in the old days. It was cool that the Eskimo people believed that they chose for death to happen in exchange for the sun moon and stars.

Nukunguasik, who Escaped from the Tupilak
This story had a lot of terminology that I had to look up because they were things that were obviously things that were specific to the Eskimo culture. I liked that Nukunguasik basically got away with killing the middle brother but that didn't feel that bad because the brother was trying to kill him.

The Woman who had a Bear as a Foster-Son
This story reminded me of the story of hulk because the bear had no one to play with because he was too strong. This story was very sad though but I liked that the foster mother did what right for the village even though she had to give up her bear.

Qalaganguase, Who Passed to the Land of the Ghosts
I liked the style of this story and it seemed to have more of a moral than the other stories, that the boy did not listen to the warning and he did not receive his strength back. It had sort of an odd ending though.
Inuit Family Source: Wikipedia

I liked that this story the man won over the wizard but it was very confusing and hard to read. 

I really liked learning about the ball games, that was really cool!

The Giant Dog
This story was kind of sad, but I really liked how it ended!

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