Friday, September 4, 2015

Week 2: Extra Reading Diary: Ovid's Metamorphoses (Books 1-4)

This is my reading diary for the second half of Ovid's Metamorphoses (Books 1-4), I did not complete a Reading Diary B, so this is where I am taking my notes.

It is interesting to me that Jupiter tell Juno that women receive more from love and love making when it is men in myths that often take what they want and rape young women. It seems that if women enjoyed love more, than this would not be the case. Juno's wrath is seen once again when she takes Echo's speech away from her in order for the nymphs that have been with Jupiter to flee. I thought the way that Echo disappears into thin air was interesting and could be a great story.

It would be interesting to write a story about the thoughts and feelings of Rhamnusia as she decides to punish Narcissus. Narcissus is fixed in place by his own reflexion, it kind of parallels to how young adults act in modern day with selfies and self obsession on social media. I did not know that Narcissus knew that he was in love with himself and that it was not a joke.

Pyramis and Thisbe
It could be really cool to write a story from the perspective of the thin split in the wall where Pyramis an Thisbe spoke to each other; the wall would have heard everything and have known their struggles and their love story. I love the similarities you can see to Romeo and Juliet in this story.

Mars and Venus
I liked the fact that Vulcan was able to think of a plan to catch Mars and Venus when he learned of their affair.

Perseus and Andromeda
The exchange between Perseus and Andromeda is fascinating because he fall in love with her after only a few sentences. That idea of such fast and quick love seems common in old myths and stories.

Perseus and Medusa
I loved the description of the marriage ceremony as it is so different from what is seen today. Medussa and her story would also be interesting to delve into further.
Medusa Source: Wikipedia

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