Friday, August 28, 2015

Week 1 Famous Last Words

As I am finishing up the first week's assignments, I look back on what seems like a month with everything going on. One of the weirdest (and hardest) things to get used to was just writing in a blog format, as I have never done anything like that! It's odd thinking you are writing these assignments and stories for not just your professor to read, like most classes, but for everyone to read! For my first shot, I really liked how my Storytelling post turned out. I was so incredibly nervous about how I would go about the writing stories aspect of this class! But when I sat down to write the story off of the Nursery Rhyme I chose, it just sort of flowed. I had trouble with the ending, but even that came WAY easier than I was expecting! This week I did a very straightforward narrative in first person, next week, however, I would really like to try a new style and switch it up, maybe I will do one in third person.

I think one thing I struggled with this week was just planning out the time I would work on my assignments this week because I have never had an online class before. I found myself just working on them when I found time instead of planning out the time I would set aside to work on them. One thing that makes this hard is my Human Anatomy course takes up so much of my time that I am finding it difficult to set aside specific time to work on this class. It will take more effort on my part to really look at my schedule each week and block out time to do my weekly assignments!

I am most excited this week that Soonerthon Exec has started and I am able to begin working on my favorite event of the year! We have had our first Spring Exec meeting and I am so ready to get started, although I am also already nervous about time! I dont have a lot to do just yet, because we do not have a full exec yet, but I know in just a week or two we will be off and running!
Photo of my Soonerthon Exec Committee with our total 
taken in March 2015

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Ann-Marie! OMG I just realized something… We used to have a class together! It was Spanish… either the first semester or second semester of it an Prof Alvarez’s class, I believe. I sat behind you, haha. I agree that it was kind of weird to be writing in a blog format. I’m a pretty private person and I don’t like putting too much of me out there, but this class is cool enough that I can overlook that. How is it going in Human Anatomy? I have a friend in that class and all she does is spend time in the lab. Does it ever creep you out when you spend time with what is basically… a corpse?

    OMG you’re on exec committee! So is my Big! Anyhow, I look forward to this year’s Soonerthon and I hope to see you around again sometime.
