Sunday, August 23, 2015

This is one of my favorite places

As school is about to begin, I am beginning to feel the stress as the morning approaches. One thing my mom taught me is to think of a favorite place when the stress begins to press down on me. So as this night is quickly ending and the beginning of the school is quickly approaching, I bring to my mind the image of a hammock on a sandy beach with a bright blue sky and a dark blue sea.
                                        Beachfront view of a hammock in the Virgin Islands
                                                                      Source: Flickr
When my mind is racing and thoughts are flying around, thoughts of this serene place where I have had so many amazing memories calms me down. Being able to go to the beach, any beach whether it be on a lake, a river, or an ocean, has always been my favorite place and has always been my place to calm down and relax. Places like South Padre Island, TX and Orange Beach, AL have always made me feel at peace and at home. One of my most memorable experiences in my college career has been being able visit the beaches of Barcelona, Spain. I hope to someday to be able to experience these places on a regular basis.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh, yes, Ann-Marie: what a great picture! A beautiful beach AND a hammock! I love hammocks: when I was a little kid, we had hammocks in our backyard in Tucson. It could be roasting hot, but I didn't care: I would lie out there in the hammock, rocking back and forth... and everything felt perfect!

    And how exciting that you have been to Barcelona: I have heard so many great things about that city. Maybe you will want to do a Spanish project for this class... or a project of ocean stories set at the seaside. So many possibilities, and I hope you will enjoy the class!

    And look at this: typing that word hammock made me curious all of a sudden where the word comes from — it is an indigenous word from the Arawakan people of Haiti: wow! There are not many indigenous words in English... so I will file that in my 'learn something new every day' folder. :-)
    hammock (n.)
    type of hanging bed, 1650s, alteration of hamack, hamaca (1550s), from Spanish hamaca, from Arawakan (Haiti) word apparently meaning "fish nets" (compare Yukuna hamaca, Taino amaca).
