Thursday, August 27, 2015

Week 1 Curation

When I hear the word "curation," the only thing that comes to mind is when I've heard of the job of being an Art Curator in TV and movies. I wouldn't think the word could apply to me and to my slightly-obsessives organizational skills. Curation in everyday life is simply searching, selecting, and organizing things in a thoughtful manner. The thoughtful manner is what caught my eye when I read that; how can I organize my life in a more thoughtful way?

 I am a hyper-organized person, my Attention Deficit Disorder basically requires it, and one look at my planner and you would agree with me. My safari browser on my mac is also super organized, as I have a bookmark for everything I need, including the website I order tshirts off of!! In my mind, organization is key in order for me to get organized and get things done; if I don't write it down, I will not remember to do it. Bookmarks are my best friend, although the way safari does them is not my favorite.

I used Pinterest on a daily basis, like probably a little too much I have like 2,200 pins saved. I love to browse through things and save them to boards, thinking that I will at some point cook that recipe or buy those shoes, although it never seems to quite work out like that. But I have never used Pinterest for a class and that idea sort of intrigues me. The nature of this class being about stories and myths from so many cultures draws me towards Pinterest to use it to find new resources and save them in an organized way! Although I do wish that one had the ability to organize boards into over-arching folders. That way I could have a "Mythology and Folklore" folder and several different boards within that folder.
Screenshot of  my personal Pinterest

I am beyond exciting to research the idea of curation, especially the 'sharing' aspect of it, and I can't wait to apply this to not only this class but all of my classes!

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